Euthymios Logothetis

Cool Websites

XXIIVV Webring - "This webring is an attempt to inspire artists & developers to build their own website and share traffic among each other. The ring welcomes personalized websites such as diaries, wikis & portfolios."

Souvenirs from Insanity -

"Memories that are not mine.
Beauty that I used to not see.
A life that was worth living. " : - Video art community started and moderated by Andrei Jay and Paloma Kop. Wonderful community for experimental video tinkerers.

Pixlpa: - Home of Andrew Benson's work in interactive and generative shader design. Expert in color and video feedback. There's a great intro to webGL feedback on his GitHub.

Andrei Jay Creative Coding : - Source for open source video art software suite WAAAVE_POOL and the related hardware projects. Brilliant developer for video tools.

Shadow Wolf Cyberzine: - Annual ASCII Zine compiled by Legowelt covering topics pertinent to ravers, musicians, and pursuers of transcendence.

Memo Akten: - Brilliant artist, deep thinker, explorer of generative art and what it might say about consciousness.

Lines Community: - Forum for discussions pertaining to norns musical hardware/software, related topics, and the people who discuss them.

The Dub Scrolls: - Collection of tips and tricks for dub reggae production. Great source of inspiration for DIY sound experimentation.

Jungle Tapes Directory: - Old jungle mixtapes avaiable for download on an open directory.

UBUWEB: - Home for avant-garde media online.

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